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Found 224 jobs
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting translational research in cancer therapeutics with an emphasis on pediatric oncology, in collaboration with Prisma Health.
Faculty (Open Rank, Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting research in biomedical sciences with potential synergy to department research foci in cancer and neuroscience.
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Tenure-track position at the rank of Asst. Professor, researching brain health therapeutics using biomedical engineering and pharmaceutics approaches.
The New Center for Virus-Host-Innate Immunity (CVHII) at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS), Newark, is seeking to recruit tenure-track faculty.
Associate or Full Professor – Stanford University Department of Bioengineering and Arc Institute
The Department of Bioengineering at Stanford University (https://bioengineering.stanford.edu) and the Arc Institute (https://arcinstitute.org) invi...