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$30,000 - $49,999
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Found 1 job for $30,000 - $49,999
Head of Research and Development Unit(s)
Visionary, ambitious, and talented leaders to serve as the Founding Heads of its first set of R&D Units.
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Zhejiang University (ZJU) Global Recruitment
Various positions are open, including: Qiushi Chair Professor, Qiushi Distinguished Scholar, etc.
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Call for Junior Group Leaders in Artificial Intelligence for Genetics, Biology & Medicine
Institut Imagine and INEM seek outstanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts to join their teams as tenure-track Junior Group Leaders
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Recruitment of Junior Principal Investigators ( JPI), AIMR, Tohoku University, Japan
AIMR invites applications for 3 Jr.PIs who will research in an independent environment. They can receive start-up funding support first 2 years.