Life Sciences Full Time jobs
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- Life Sciences 232
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Life Sciences
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- Agricultural Science 8
- Analytical Chemistry 6
- Anatomy 2
- Biochemistry 18
- Bioengineering 11
- Bioinformatics 11
- Biology 28
- Biomedical Engineering 10
- Biomedical Sciences 25
- Biophysics 5
- Biotechnology 4
- Botany/Plant Science 3
- Cancer Research 23
- Cell Biology 18
- Computational Biology 14
- Developmental Biology 1
- Ecology 2
- Environmental Science 15
- Epigenetics 3
- Evolutionary Biology 2
- Genetics 5
- Genomics 6
- Immunology 16
- Marine Science 3
- Microbiology 13
- Molecular Biology 23
- Neuroscience 23
- Oncology 1
- Other Life Science 4
- Pharmacokinetics / Pharmacodynamics 3
- Pharmacology 9
- Physiology 11
- Proteomics 2
- Stem Cells 4
- Structural Biology 3
- Veterinary Medicine 1
- Virology 7
- North America 143
- Europe 14
- Asia 31
- Asia Pacific 10
- Working from home 1
- Middle East 3
- Oceania 1
- Academia 152
- All Industry 14
- Govt. 8
- Healthcare/Hospital 9
- Non-Profit 4
Full Time
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- Academic Dean/Dept. Head 13
- Faculty 89
- Group Leader/Principal Investigator 14
- Lab Manager 2
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 2
- Manager 5
- Medical Doctor 1
- PhD Studentship 1
- Postdoc 22
- Postdoc Fellowship 9
- President/CEO/Director/VP 2
- Research Scientist 17
- Senior Scientist 10
- Staff Scientist 4
- Technician 5
- Other 18
- Advertising Agency 3
- Employer 144
Found 187 jobs
Postdoctoral Training Opportunity - Translational Pancreatic Cancer Research
The postdoctoral trainee will be expected to build a publication record, including submissions to leading cancer biology journals, apply for internal
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) in Oklah...
Biological and Life Sciences - Faculty for School of Arts and Sciences
Nanotechnology, neuroscience, cancer biology, materials science & drug delivery, pathogen biology & immunology, protein biochemistry, biophysics
SciLifeLab PULSE: Postdoc program for Future Leaders in Life Science Academia and Industry
Cross-disciplinary research program in molecular life sciences focused on innovation, translational science, career sustainability & support.
Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 1 in Molecular Imaging and Theranostics
Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 1 in Molecular Imaging and Theranostics Tenure Track Faculty Position (Associate or Full Professor) Department of...
Zhejiang University (ZJU) Global Recruitment
Various positions are open, including: Qiushi Chair Professor, Qiushi Distinguished Scholar, etc.