Immunology jobs
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- Academia 2
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$125,000 - $149,999
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Found 3 Employer jobs for $125,000 - $149,999
Professor in Anatomy (90-100%)
The successful candidate will develop a competitive research programme and be responsible for the Anatomy teaching platform of the University.
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Postdoctoral Recruitment of Georgios Giamas Lab in Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
Postdoctoral Recruitment of Georgios Giamas Lab & Global Recruitment of High-level Talents at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
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Head of the Translational Cancer Research Laboratory
Northwell Health has formed a strategic partnership with the NCI-designated Cancer Center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). The institutions...
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Assistant/Associate Professor-Rheumatology
actively seeking a candidate with expertise in Lupus and autoimmunity research, to direct the basic research program
UNIV- Open Rank- Assistant/Associate Professor -Department of Pharmacology and Immunology
The Department of Pharmacology and Immunology at the Medical University of South Carolina invites applications for a full-time faculty position.
Assistant Professor, T cell Biology
Seeking early-stage investigator as Assistant Professor to lead a research program on T cell Biology in human disease (e.g., cancer, autoimmunity).