Health Sciences Academia jobs in United States
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- Full Time 31
Found 40 jobs
Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP)
NTU invites outstanding early-career researchers (postdoctoral fellow or equivalent) to apply for an appointment as a Nanyang Assistant Professor.
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Zhejiang University (ZJU) Global Recruitment
Various positions are open, including: Qiushi Chair Professor, Qiushi Distinguished Scholar, etc.
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SciLifeLab PULSE: Postdoc program for Future Leaders in Life Science Academia and Industry
Cross-disciplinary research program in molecular life sciences focused on innovation, translational science, career sustainability & support.
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Postdoctoral Research Associate Cardiac/Vascular Cellular Electrophysiology
The Division of Cardiothoracic Research at Rhode Island Hospital and the Alpert Medical School of Brown University is seeking applications...
Join Us∣SUSTech Calls for Global Talent
SUSTech cordially invites outstanding international scholars to apply for the prestigious National Science Fund Program for Outstanding Young Scholars
Professor and COBRE Director
Professor and COBRE Director in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at North Dakota State University.
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting translational research in cancer therapeutics with an emphasis on pediatric oncology, in collaboration with Prisma Health.
Faculty (Open Rank, Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting research in biomedical sciences with potential synergy to department research foci in cancer and neuroscience.
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Tenure-track position at the rank of Asst. Professor, researching brain health therapeutics using biomedical engineering and pharmaceutics approaches.