Health Sciences Full Time Academia jobs in North America
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Found 6 Employer jobs for $100,000 - $124,999
Zhejiang University (ZJU) Global Recruitment
Various positions are open, including: Qiushi Chair Professor, Qiushi Distinguished Scholar, etc.
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Positions at Bio-Tech Center, SMART
Positions at Bio-Tech Center, SMART The Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation (SMART) is an institute blazing new trails for future ...
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Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting translational research in cancer therapeutics with an emphasis on pediatric oncology, in collaboration with Prisma Health.
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Tenure-track position at the rank of Asst. Professor, researching brain health therapeutics using biomedical engineering and pharmaceutics approaches.
Neuroscience Faculty Position: Tenure-Track/Tenured with Rank Open
Rank-open faculty position in a highly collaborative medical school department for an outstanding researcher focused on neurodevelopmental disorders