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Found 410 Employer jobs
Assistant Professor, Genomics, Bioethics, and Bioinformatics
Full-time faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the Line (tenure track) series in an appropriate dept in the UCI School of Medicine
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
The Lake Forest College Biology Department seeks an engaging and skilled Instructor to join our Biology Department in August 2025. This is a full-t...
Postdoctoral Researcher
Join a team of scientists investigating the molecular pathogenesis and developing gene therapies for vision disorders.
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting translational research in cancer therapeutics with an emphasis on pediatric oncology, in collaboration with Prisma Health.
Faculty (Open Rank, Tenure-Track)
Candidate conducting research in biomedical sciences with potential synergy to department research foci in cancer and neuroscience.
Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track)
Tenure-track position at the rank of Asst. Professor, researching brain health therapeutics using biomedical engineering and pharmaceutics approaches.