Bioinformatics jobs in North America
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- Bioinformatics, $100,000 - $124,999, North America 1
- Life Sciences, $100,000 - $124,999, Faculty, North America 17
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$100,000 - $124,999
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Found 1 Faculty job for $100,000 - $124,999
Assistant Professor, Genomics, Bioethics, and Bioinformatics
Full-time faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the Line (tenure track) series in an appropriate dept in the UCI School of Medicine
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Call for a Junior Group Leader in Systems and Computational Biology
Institut Imagine is seeking an outstanding Systems and Computational Biology expert to join our team as a Junior Group Leader.
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Post-doctoral researcher (m/f/d) in ‘‘Seagrass (Exo)Metabolomics’’
GEOMAR Centre for Marine Biotechnology is seeking an experienced Post-doctoral researcher in Seagrass (Exo)Metabolomics
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Assistant Professor, Genomics, Bioethics, and Bioinformatics
Full-time faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the Line (tenure track) series in an appropriate dept in the UCI School of Medicine