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Yale University - Wu Tsai Institute


The Wu Tsai Institute ( was founded in 2021 by a historic gift from Joe Tsai and Clara Wu Tsai, bringing together advances from different subfields of neuroscience (molecular, cellular, systems, cognitive, computational) and connected disciplines to reveal fundamental truths about the mind through integrated study of the brain. WTI consists of three pillars that coordinate research activities from complementary perspectives: the Center for Neurodevelopment and Plasticity, the Center for Neurocognition and Behavior, and the Center for Neurocomputation and Machine Intelligence. WTI enables interdisciplinary collaboration and cooperation through co-mentored fellowships for postdocs, grad students, undergrads; shared facilities and services with the newest technologies; internal grants to promote disruptive ideas; and regular events and opportunities for researchers at any stage to learn new concepts and skills. WTI grounds integration across approaches in the common mathematical and statistical language of data science, toward new computational frameworks for cognition. WTI will succeed because of diversity in the backgrounds, identities, and perspectives of members, with efforts to confront inequity and create an inclusive environment woven into the fabric of every program and initiative. 

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