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Brief introduction

Chengdu Jinxin Medical Investment Corporation Ltd (Jinxin corporation) is a global investment management group dedicates to clinical care, scientific research, disease prevention, medical education, training, community service, and nursery.

The fertility clinics of Chengdu Jinjiang maternal and children health care hospital (Jinjiang fertility) holds a significant share of in Jinxin corporation for its leading status in ART medical realms, and was rewarded as Scihuan provincial key specialty of medicine (Class A).

Jinjiang fertility was founded in 2000 and certificated IN 2003 as one of the fertility clinics in Sichuan province of China. After completion of public hospital reformation and 18 years of developments, we are now a reproductive medical group with mutli clinics and centers. Our OPU cycles had expanded from 100 cycles a year to 13,000 cycles per year and had reached 60,000 cycles in total, which leads to at least a number of 26,782 families be blessed with babies and the average number of births up to 16 babies per day. Jinjiang fertility has reached the fifth largest fertility clinic nationwide four years ago and the number one fertility clinic in the southwest China seven years ago with a national leading success rate of pregnancy≥ 51.13% for fresh embryo transplant and 53.7% for frozen embryo transplant with single blastocyst, 77.1% for frozen embryo transplant with double blastocysts.

We had set up 3 IVF clinics, 2 independent embryo laboratories and a reproductive medicine and genetic research institute in southwest China, 2 prestigious branches worldwide which are Shenzhen Zhongshan Urological hospital with leading reproductive immunotherapy treatment and HRC fertility a leading fertility clinic in US.

We’re now recruiting post-doctors worldwide for our institute, Chengdu Jinxin reproductive medicine and genetic research institute. It locates in Chengdu, china, current institution covers an area of 1800 sq with 50 advanced research equipments including microarray scanning system, Digital PCR, automatic protein analyzer, flow cytometry, sperm amplification system, micromanipulation system, fully automatic FISH system, fluorescent quantitative PCR, Multiskan Spectrum, ultramicro nucleic acid protein analyzer, fluorescence microscope with automatic camera system, gel imaging system, ultra-low temperature freezer, high-speed refrigerated centrifuge, ultrapure water systems, high-throughput gene sequencing machines (one Proton and one PGM), automatic chromosome karyotype scanner and analysis system, ultra high performance liquid tandem mass spectrometry (AB Sciex API 3200) automatic organization dehydrator,  frozen microtone, tissue embedding and processing machines, etc. It is also equipped with special fine laminar flow room.

Later this year, we shall move to a 63,000 sq building with world class standard IVF center and research institution along with upgraded laboratory equipments. We aim to achieve an international leading academic status in the near future to take up a better share of this tremendous potential market.




成都锦欣生殖医学与遗传学研究所现面向全球招聘博士后数名。成都锦欣生殖医学与遗传学研究所,在中国成都占地1800 m2,拥有先进大型仪器设备50多台套,其中大型设备有:基因芯片扫描仪、Digital PCR仪、全自动蛋白分析仪、流式细胞仪、精子放大系统、显微操作仪、全自动荧光原位杂交仪、荧光定量PCR仪、全波长酶标仪、超微量核酸蛋白分析仪、荧光显微镜带自动摄像系统、凝胶成像系统、超低温冰箱、高速冷冻离心机、超纯水系统、高通量基因测序仪(Proton 1台、PGM 1台)、全自动染色体扫描仪和核型分析系统、超高效液相串联质谱(waters Xevo TQD)全自动组织脱水机等,冰冻切片机,组织包埋仪等大型仪器设备,并设有专门的科研型层流室。


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