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How to banish impostor syndrome
- Oct 25, 2021
Impostor syndrome—the feeling that one doesn't belong or deserve their success, and that they will be discovered as a fraud—strikes many professionals. It doesn't matter whether you are a Nobel laureate, CEO, department head, university president, or graduate student. Many of us have felt like an impostor at various times in our careers, especially as we ascend into new roles and achieve milestones.
To get the most out of your workday, consider your ‘inner clock’
- Oct 18, 2021
Ruth knows she should write her papers and her thesis. But she simply can't get more than a sentence or two on paper.
One mentor isn't enough. Here's how I built a network of mentors
- Oct 18, 2021
"Unfortunately, I don't have the bandwidth for a mentorship relationship right now." "I'm not sure I can help." "Why are we meeting again?" Those are just a few of the responses I've received in my quest to develop a broad range of mentors.
Looking for meaning in your career? Try a pay-it-forward plan
- Sep 30, 2021
No matter where you are in your career, you didn't get there without help. Someone opened a door, gave you advice, shared a bit of info about a path or a profession. And when you pass that kindness on to others, you often get more benefits than you could have realized.
Overworking tanked my health—until I began to prioritize work-life balance
- Sep 30, 2021
The doctor spent nearly an hour with me, listening to my story. Then, to my surprise, he said he wasn't going to refill my prescription. Instead of relying on pills, he said, I needed to rethink my approach to life and work.